To say that the CCU staff go above and beyond for our patients is an understatement. This is a giving profession and in order to keep that care and compassion going strong, it's important to take time to wind down and refill the cup. MGH has a long history linking meditation and yoga to improved cardiovascular health, thanks to the work at the Henry Benson Institute. The typical work day in the CCU is stressful on the body, including constant alarms, florescent lights, unnatural biorhythms, multitasking, pressure for perfection, infrequent breaks, emotional fatigue, and caffeine to name a few! Let's engage as a unit to move and breathe and focus on mindfulness, relaxation, and replenishing our energy stores. Self care is a win win for all parties involved!
Class details: This 60 minute class is suitable for all levels, no prior yoga experience necessary. Modifications to poses will be provided, so bring an open mind and no expectations on what your yoga should look like! If you think you are not flexible or have an over active mind, those are both awesome reasons to try yoga!